Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hi, I'm bored. Nice to meet you.

No, really. I'm bored. I get bored really easily. And whenever I do, I teach myself some weird new trick or skill. I've been doing that since I was little, so now I have an arsenal of random skills that I can employ whenever... I need them (you'd be surprised how useful random bits of knowledge can be).

So what does that have to do with this blog? Well, one day, I was thinking, "Hey, you know, maybe some other people get bored easily and would appreciate a guide on how to spend their time." I also thought, "Hey, I'm bored. What should I do today? Oh, I know! Make a blog!" So this blog is just gonna be my guide, to you, on how to do... cool stuff. Sound okay? Ish? Cool.

Here, have a Q and A. You deserve it. *chucks Q and A at you*

What do you expect to cover in this blog?

A lot of crafty-ish, parkour/ninja skills, and writing related posts. That's where most of my teaching-myself falls into. Of course, it'd be just like me to screw all that and post something random. I'll try to resist the urge.

How the heck are writing related posts a skill?

Because it's my blog and I say so. 

What was your favorite skill to learn?

Um, either leather working or a wall flip. Both so fun in different ways.... how do I choose? XD

What was the first random skill you ever learned?

How To Do A Cartwheel. I was seven, and I learned from these circus people. It was pretty cool. 

Have someone else describe you in five words.

This is what my little brother said about me: weird, smart, dangerous (By which I'm vaguely certain he means that I do dangerous things, not that I am dangerous... I think...), makes stuff. Not sure how accurate this is, but whatever. It made me laugh watching him spit out the first two and then struggle to come up with things.

Why did you make a blog?

Because I was bored and it sounded fun. It sounds terrible but it's true.

How often do you think you'll post?

Whenever I feel like it. Actually, no, I'll try to get on a schedule. Probably once every two weeks. Once a week if I can handle two weeks okay. 

What will your first real post be about?

It's a surprise. (Probably leather working, unless anyone has a better idea)

Okay, so that's it with the questions. I think you should have a pretty basic idea about my blog. So yeah! If it sounds interesting, come back in a week... I'll have my first real post up and you can decide if I'm a bogus teacher or not. Comment if you have any ideas of stuff you want to learn, stuff you hated about this post, or random observations about the weather! Thanks! 

-Maile out-